Prospective Families
Welcome to Maiden Erlegh School in Reading.
This page contains essential and helpful information to guide students and their parents/carers who might be considering joining the school. We have put together a number of short videos to show off the school and the wonderful learning community it is.
Click on the image icons below to view our short films:
In the menu on the right, you can find:
- Further information about how we will support your child as they transition from primary to secondary school, including a video presentation from Assistant Headteacher Mr Hood (see menu on the right) about how we support students through the vital transition from primary to secondary school
- Subject information videos
- The application process and a video presentation about how to apply for a place at the school
Our school is an exciting and vibrant community. Do have a look at the latest edition of our half termly newsletter to find out more. The Pulse can be found here.
Finally, we are extremely proud to share the achievements of our students.
National Portrait Gallery - Hold Still Project
Competition Winner - 'Make a mug, Make a difference'